Zoboomafoo is a popular American children's television series that originally debuted on January25, 1999 and ran until April28,2001. The show is still broadcast today in syndication in a variety of regions, and it can be seen frequently on PBS Kids Sprout. There were a total of 65 episodes that were shown. It was created by the Kratt Brothers, and it includes a talking Coquerel's Sifaka, a sort of lemur dubbed Zoboomafoo, or Zoboo for short, as well as a variety of animal guests who make recurring appearances. Every episode opens with the Kratt boys at "Animal Junction," an unique place where the rules of nature change and wild animals come to visit and play. The Kratt brothers are in "Animal Junction" at the beginning of every episode. Following the 16th of January in2004, the show was removed from its weekday airings on the majority of PBS stations; however, some stations have continued to air the show.