The Spectacular Spider-Man
The Spectacular Spider-Man is an American animated television show based on the character developed for television by Greg Weisman and Victor Cook and published by Marvel Comics. With a similar balance of action, drama, and comedy in addition to a senior high school atmosphere, the show is based primarily by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, in terms of style and tone. It also tends to work with material from sources such as the film series and the Ultimate Spider-Man comic book and all eras of the comic run.
The Spectacular Spider-Man premiered on March 8, 2008 during the children's WB programming block of The CW, and received critical acclaim. Its season aired and ended its run November 18, 2009, additionally receiving favorable critical attention. The show had been cancelled before production could begin, Even though there had been a season intended.
Released: 2008-03-08
Duration: 30
United States of America