Spider man can be an animated television series that ran in September 9, 1967 on June 14, 1970. It was the first adaptation of this book series and had been manufactured in the USA and Canada, created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko. It aired in the United States on the ABC television network but proceeded right to syndication at the start of the season. The first season was produced by grantray-Lawrence Animation. Seasons 2 and 3 were crafted by producer Ralph Bakshi in nyc. On Teletoon Retro, it is currently airing Back in Canada. An online meme known as 1960s spider-man has received an number of fame. The meme is made up of screenshot taken at a portion of the show and adding an inappropriate and/or witty text. Since the passing of Max Ferguson on March 7 2013, there are only three surviving members out of the cast. Those three Paul Soles Spider-Man, Chris Wiggins' voice the voice of Carl and Mysterio Banas the voice of the Scorpion.
Released: 1967-09-09
Duration: 25