Drawn Together
Drawn Together is an American animated sitcom for adults that aired on Comedy Central between October27, 2004 and November11, 2007. The series, which was produced by Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein, employs a sitcom structure inside the context of a television reality show. Like those of MTV's The Challenge and VH1's The Surreal Life, the show's eight characters are a blend of personalities that were identifiable and well-known previous to the series. Drawn Together, however, utilized caricatures of well-known cartoon characters and stock characters. In addition, their character features are parodies of personality types commonly observed in reality television programs. Comedy Central marketed it as the first animated reality show, and in some episodes, the characters partake in activities resembling reality TV challenges. The show was canceled after just three seasons, yet its fan base remains strong. Then, on April20,2010, The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! was released.
Released: 2004-10-27
Duration: 30
United States of America