Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder is a children's animated television series made by Keith Chapman. From the series Bob looks as a construction contractor focusing on masonry in a stop motion programme with his colleague Wendy, many neighbours and friends, and their gang of anthropomorphised work-vehicles and equipment. The series is broadcast in several countries, but hails from the United Kingdom at which Bob is voiced by actor Neil Morrissey. The series was later created using CGI animation you start with the spin off series Ready! .
In each installment, Bob and his group help with renovations, construction, and repairs and with other projects. The series highlights conflict resolution, co operation, assorted and socialization instruction skills. Bob's catchphrase is"Can we fix it?" , to which the other characters respond to"Yes we can!" This phrase is the title of the show's theme song, which was a number one hit while in the UK.
Duration: 10
United Kingdom