Safety to Nome
Each February, four dozen athletes are invited to Alaska to embark on a trip that will test their bodies and minds, as well as their wills to achieve and live. The Iditarod Trail Invitational is the world's longest, most difficult, and most isolated ultramarathon, requiring racers to travel 1000 miles through Alaska's tundra on bike, foot, or ski. More people have summited Everest in one afternoon than have ridden a bicycle from Anchorage to Nome. However, twenty-six racers will tackle the entire 1000-mile Iditarod Trail this year. The quickest recorded time is 12 days. The longest is almost 30 feet. The unknowns are what draw these great competitors to this event year after year in quest of purpose and excitement, but it is those same unknowns that make this one of the most dangerous races on the planet. How prepared are you to give up your toes, your hands, or someone you care about? That is the result of a lack of preparation on the Iditarod Trail.
Released: 2019-02-23
Duration: 86