Safeguard: An Electoral College Story
"What if a move you made had effects you hadn't foreseen?" Safeguard: This is one of the central questions raised in the novel An Electoral College Story. Exactly how does the system operate? Were the regulations to be adjusted, what would the results be?" The Electoral College system in the United States Constitution was drafted and defended by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. The process is democratic, although it takes place in stages and through each of the fifty states. Rather than focusing solely on a single region or collection of population centers, this design requires candidates to reach out across the country. Presidents can't control elections, including their own re-elections, because of this rule. With the help of experts like Steve Forbes, a publisher and previous presidential candidate himself, Princeton historian Allen Guelzo, and others, we learn why we have the Electoral College, what it does, and what might happen if it were abolished.
Duration: 76